Village News

The Corton Denham News magazine is published bi-monthly ad distributed by hand and e-mail to village residents. The Editor is Lisa Adam who may be contacted at The sub-editors are Ben Woolley and Fiona Morgan. Items for inclusion are welcome and should be forwarded to the editor by 3rd week prior to issue date. The latest issue and a short back catalogue can be found here

The Week Ahead newsletter is circulated weekly to village residents by e-mail and contains news of forthcoming events and items of local interest. The editor is Chris Bunker who may be contacted at

CD News

Our village magazine, the Corton Denham News, is written by our residents and covers goings-on around the village and the local area. It has been a village institution for more than 40 years and is published six times a year.  The CD News is circulated in hard-copy to all of the houses in the village by a willing band of trusty volunteers.

Please remember the Countryside Code

‘Keep dogs on a lead at all times near farm animals – by law you’re obliged to keep your dog under control.

A person in charge of a dog, whether they are the owner or not, must clean up after their dog has fouled in a public place. Failure to do so may lead to a fine or prosecution in court.

Not disposing a ‘poo’ bag correctly is also a dog fouling and littering offence.