1819 Map of the Parish – drawn on silk showing field system, original held in Somerset County Archive.

1838 Tithe Map, Key and Notes – Rector’s copy, originals held in Somerset County Archive.

c.1850 Map of Parishioners – believed to have been drawn by the incumbent of the day, original held in Somerset County Archive.


A gift made by Maurice Gilbert (d. 1608) had been lost by 1824. In the same year sums totalling £14 given between 1675 and 1715 by the Revd. Thomas Brickenden, rector 1660-1700, and members of the Bartlett family were still recorded although no distributions had been made for many years.  Attempts to revive the charity had failed by 1908. By will dated 1717 Jonathan Beaton gave a rent charge of 1s. a week on Church farm to provide bread for the poor. In 1824 and 1840 12 white loaves were distributed weekly to those not on relief. A gift of £400 in railway stock from the Portman family in 1907 produced an income which was added to the rent charge and provided food, brandy, nursing, and medicine for the sick. (British History Online (Copyright)).

1601-1717 Various Charitable Bequests – original documents held in Somerset County Archive.

1824-1994 Jonathan Beaton Charity – notes below and original documents held in Somerset County Archive.

1907-2021 Portman Charity – original documents held in Somerset County Archive.


1880 Apprenticeship Indenture

World Wars I & II1938 Letter from Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and Listing of Corton Denham participants (see below):


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Address: Somerset Heritage Centre, Brunel Way, Norton Fitzwarren, Taunton, TA2 6SF